Thursday 29 April 2010

Social Class

Social class is defined by Kreech, Crutchfield and Ballachey in Dubois (2000) as '...a division in society made up of person possessing a certain common social characteristics which are taken to qualify them for intimate, equal status relations with one another, and which restrict their interaction with members of other social class'.

In societies where different classes exist, is determined mostly by: personal income, occupation, education and family background. There are different characteristics for each different class. For example, in the high realms of social class what you wear, your manners, political standing and reputation, can alter where you stand in the higher rank of social class.

Social class and consumption

Social class is a good indicator of buying behaviour with regards to low to moderate price consumer goods. e.g. cosmetics. However, income is a good indicator of buyer behaviour for non-symbolic high pricing goods. e.g. fridges. For marketers and businesses to predict buying behaviour, both social class and income are needed.

Funny video about social class:

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