Tuesday 27 April 2010

Generational Marketing - Generation x

Generation X

Generation X is the generation after the baby boom ended, with erliest birth dates ranging from 1961 all the way up to 1981. The term generation x was coined by the magnum photographer Robert Capa in the 1950's. Describing why he coined that generation, generation x, he stated 'we named this generation, generation x, and even in our first enthusiasm we realised we had something far bigger than our talents and pockets could cope with.'

In a marketing context, generation xers are moving into 30's-40's and are establishing themselves as consumers, who are starting to have families and buy houses. They grew up during a recession, single-parent families and the internet. So the internet is a great way of marketing to this generation.

According to
Fleisichner (2006) in marketing to the generation x, direct mail efforts can be supplemented with online marketing, in the form of targeted site advertising, key word buys, or a sales promotion.

According to Ruth Klein, a branding, marketing and productivity coach, generation x were raised as kids by single, overworked parents in households that lived on tight budgets, therefore they are more careful with their money than generation y. They are not depending on the government for a good pension, so they are more prone to save during their working years. They also put a high value on education and knowledge.

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