Tuesday 27 April 2010

Generational Marketing - Tweens

Tween generation

Tweens are 8-12 year olds or children poised on the verge of adolesence. Today's tweens are confident, high tech, optomistic savvy members of the eco boom. They are very much influenced by television, newspapers and the general media, which for a marketer is a dream. For the tween generation it is cool to be smart. The instant access to information via the internet has given being clever new found respect. 83% of 8-12 year olds stated it is cool to be clever.

Tween spending worldwide has is at its highest , with an estimated $170 billion. According to Euromonitor international, not only have tweens got access to more money they have a greater role in buying decisions. They are creating an identity for themselves and are keen to purchase products that will enhance that image

A key habit in the spending habits of tweens is the age compression phenomonen, commonly known as KGOY (kids getting older, younger). This has seen tweens purchasing more grown up products and forgetting the more traditional toys. This trend has seen psp games console sales increase, and the tween indutry overall has spent $4.3. billion on video games which accounts for 13% of total games sales. Despite the growing sophistication of the tween generation, the majority of their money still goes on confectionary, fizzy drinks and snacks. $18.4 billion was spent on confectionary by tweens.

The future of tweens is that in most countries the number of tweens will decrease. However, they will become more powerful and influential consumers. This will result in greater levels on independence and a general rise in income supplied for, of course, by their parents.

Primark has come under attack from parents, for selling bikinis to the tween age group. Even the conservative leader David Cameron said it 'completely disgraceful' and for companies to take 'moral resonsiblity'. It is a logical development from a wider marketing culture that now targets the tween generation relentlessy, emphasising that their appearance is of supreme importance, more important than any intellectual or emotional capabilities.

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