Friday 2 October 2009

First Impressions

This site intends to display the tools that companies use to accumulate their target groups, and how they go about selling what the consumer desires, also to show marketing in a fun and innovative way. 'We are what we have'. It’s a simple concept, and a basic premise of consumer behaviour. But, it has boggled the minds of the best psychologists, sociologists, consumer behaviorists, advertisers and marketers for half a century at the least. For, as it turns out now, this simple concept is really a combination of two others. Not only are we what we are seen to be (the ‘me’ concept), we are also what is seen to be ours (the ‘mine’ concept). It seems we, as human beings, create our identities using both these – the ‘me’ and the ‘mine’ – concepts.

Psychologists say It takes 17 seconds to make a first impression, and our first task was to make assumptions of two female students, who were not allowed to talk, just based on what they were wearing and their body language. Our perceptions of these two female students were nearly all accurate, and this was to prove how easy it is for companies to stereotype people into groups. Our second task was to draw a shape on to a piece of paper, and then answer questions of ourselves into the shapes. The paper was swapped around and somebody else had to guess who had drawn the shape and the contents inside it. Most of the group guessed the correct people.

Below is an article showing how stereotyping is used as an effective marketing tool:

Peoples first impressions of you

1 comment:

  1. Well done on getting tis up and running. Good use of links
